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Wow!Baby David just born today look hug&healthy,Newborn baby David even get milk but still tired
Welcome newborn baby David|S0 worry what is this stuck on baby belly look abnormal size
Newborn baby David cry no sound angry mom can't find milk,David so adorable,healthy&alert baby
Great News:Congrats Diamond Just Give birth this morning,Welcome newborn baby of Diamond
Newborn David Pass Meconium Already | Newborn David Look So Red Color
Why ! Why ! Newborn baby David not get milk| David weakness on legs mama Diamon.
OMG! The Big wood hold on baby monkey David, mom Diamond saves her baby very fast
Newborn Monkey David And Mom Diamond
Wow!! Good Job! Best mom Briana give nice clean&remove flies from newborn baby eyes
Surprise!! Duchess mom try train baby Duke learn walk,Baby Duke finally start move-walk shaking